Going Jamstack

Moving Site to Nuxt and Azure Static Web App.

September 21, 2022

I have a couple of recent goals with my website. One, I'd like the hosting to be free (or very low cost). Two, I'd like to actually write and share more content. The latter of those two requires me to actually write stuff that is good, which is easier said than done. The former, well, that's more straighforward.

So, never one to pass up an opportunity to take on the easier task, here we are: free website built using Nuxt and running on the Azure Static Web App framework.

Azure has some good docs on creating a statically-generated site using a few different tools, including nuxtjs. This is the latest using Nuxt 3: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/static-web-apps/deploy-nuxtjs. This site, though, is currently using Nuxt 2.

@nuxt/content seemed like a good way to go for managing contents and I followed this great post on how to build a blog with it: https://nuxtjs.org/tutorials/creating-blog-with-nuxt-content/

I still very much like OrchardCore. But, given how simple this little website is, the heft of a full CMS just doesn't make sense. And you just can't beat free, which is something I couldn't really get to with Orchard.

Now that the first goal is done, I guess it's time to see about that second one.